Safely Stockpiling Gas At Home
With the threat of war always imminent, having a supply of gasoline stored safely away at home could be beneficial. Having your own cache of gas will allow you to fuel your vehicles and travel to safety if necessary, even when gas stations are not operating. If you want to ensure that you are able to utilize the gasoline you store at home in the future, it is imperative that you store this highly volatile liquid properly.
Here are 3 tips you can use to begin safely building your stockpile of gasoline at home.
1. Only use approved containers.
The containers used to store gasoline are regulated by The Department of Transportation (DOT) and The Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA). If you want to ensure that your gasoline remains safely stored, it is imperative that you use only OSHA or DOT approved containers. These containers feature a spring-closing lid and a spout cover, both of which are designed to keep liquid and vapors inside your container when the container is exposed to excessive outside heat.
DOT and OSHA approved gas containers can be purchased from your local automotive store, so be sure that you check for a seal of approval from these agencies before purchasing your storage containers.
2. Store gas away from any potential ignition sources.
Gasoline is a highly combustible liquid, and exposure to any ignition sources could spell disaster. If you intend to stockpile gasoline at home, be sure that you take the time to identify a storage area that is shielded from any potential fire-starter sources.
Potential ignition sources could include a lit pilot light, sparks from a vehicle, or a lit cigarette. Ensuring that your store of gasoline is nowhere near these potentially problematic ignition sources will protect your home from a potential catastrophe and keep your emergency stockpile of fuel safe.
3. Always add a fuel stabilizer before long-term storage.
If you plan to store your gasoline for an extended period of time, adding a fuel stabilizer can keep your fuel viable. Upon hearing that gas can go bad, many people believe this is an urban myth. Gasoline is a highly refined product, engineered to very specific chemical compositions. Over time, some of these chemicals begin to evaporate. When the chemical formula of the gasoline changes, the liquid no longer performs properly.
To prevent your personal gas store from going bad, simply add some fuel stabilizer. This product will help to slow the evaporation process, keeping your gasoline viable for a longer period of time.
Keeping a private store of gasoline on hand could prove to be beneficial in the future. To ensure that you are safely storing your own gas at home, always use approved storage containers, keep your cache of fuel away from any potential ignition sources, and add fuel stabilizer to keep your fuel fresh. For more information, contact Small & Sons Oil Dist Co. or a similar company.